Spitfire MkIX

Our first Authentikit product. Released 05-12-2020.

The iconic Spitfire MkIX spade grip flight stick.

Spitfire MkIX

Our first control, launched on December 5th, 2020 after a two year period of R&D, with invaluable support from Flying Iron Simulations. Now used by the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. Controls are compatible with all flight simulators and our Discord community has groups flying regularly in MSFS, IL2 and DCS.

Spitfire MkIX Flight Controls
Spade grip flight stick with brake lever
Throttle quadrant with WEP
Elevator Trim Wheel and Rudder Bias
Flaps lever
Chassis (gear) lever
Rudder pedals
Magneto, fuel cock, primer, start/boost coming soon
Reviewed by PC Pilot in Sept/Oct 2021 issue and awarded 96% score and platinum award

Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

In April 2022 AuthentiKit was approached by engineers of the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight seeking assistance with a Spitfire MkIX simulator to be used by the pilots of the BBMF. It would have multiple roles including emergency procedures training and display rehearsal. The controls you can build at home are identical to the ones used at RAF Coningsby, in fact the controls fitted as of 2024 were built by me for personal use and donated to the BBMF.

Desk-to-Spitfire in 5 Minutes

Some AuthentiKit fans fix their flight controls to a custom cockpit yet AuthentiKit controls are primarily designed to mount to a regular office desk or table. Our rig system supports a full set of Spitfire controls, mounts them in exactly the right places and attaches in 5 minutes.

Primary Rig System
A regular monitor stand mounted upside down to a desk with AuthentiKit adaptors for the stick and side controls
Rock solid heavy gauge steel yet low cost
Adjustable quick release system places controls exactly where they should be
See Rig for more details
Instrument Panel Mounting System
Provides accurate placement of instrument panel mounted controls
Easily and securely clamps to most desks and tables
Designed to support a wide range of controls, such as radio equipment, magnetos and more
Raised crossbar allows access to the keyboard
Shown here with flaps lever for illustration only
Typical Configuration
Left hand monitor stand supports throttle, elevator trim and rudder bias
The stick is supported by a second arm from the left hand monitor pole
A second monitor stand on the right supports the chassis lever
The Instrument Panel mounting system supports the flaps lever

Spitfire MkIX Starter Kit

This is the recommended way to start with your AuthentiKit Spitfire MkIX home cockpit. This Trim Wheels Starter Kit includes a combined elevator trim wheel and rudder bias plus the Universal Hub with sufficient inputs to also support the throttle and flight stick.

Buy an all inclusive kit or go DIY (self-print, self-source, free downloads)

Spitfire MkIX Trim Wheels
Sturdy unit with sealed bearings
Accurately placed - validated against RAF Spitfires
Includes software to achieve 1:1 realistic movement
Adjustable friction
Quick release mounting system
All tools included. Assemble in 30 minutes.
Universal Control Hub
Four inputs to support stick/throttle as well as trims
Single USB connection compatible with every flight simulator
Slimline box sits on your desk
You only ever need one of these - use it for P-51D etc
Add on ports for flaps, chassis, starter/mags available
No 3D Printer - No Worries !
Test the water without a 3D printer
All inclusive kit containing 3D printed parts, hardware and hub with inputs for trim wheels, throttle and stick
Expand as much or as little as you want - full DIY print your own or buy kits and printed parts
Supplied by our friends at SimKitSupplies - link below

Spade grip flight stick

The spade grip of the Spitfire is absolutely iconic and this replica stick is exactly the same as you'd find in the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Spitfire simulator. See our YouTube reviews page for several reviews of the flight stick and find out why experienced Spitfire simmers like it so much.

Spitfire MkIX Spade Grip
Fully functioning flight stick
Brake lever with parking latch
Twin fire buttons for machine guns and cannon
Hall sensors for all axes
High quality sealed bearing design
Hydraulic damping on roll
Strong springs. 250 Newtons return force on pitch
Fixes securely to your desk via quick release plate

Spitfire MkIX Throttle

The throttle quadrant with adjustable friction, hydraulic damping and WEP detent is a great addition to your replica Spitfire cockpit. It mounts alongside the trim wheels to achieve a really immersive Spitfire experience. View our gallery of community builds.

Spitfire Throttle Quadrant
Full quadrant with throttle, mixture and propellor
Bomb Release Button
Adjustable friction
Hydraulic damping
Throttle quadrant controls use friction free hall sensors

The image opposite shows a community build of this throttle with some paint effects added. See more builds here.

Spitfire Flaps Lever

This flaps lever is a great device in a small package. It mounts using the Instrument Panel Mounting System and requires the Universal Hub Upgrade Kit for additional input ports. It is suitable for either the Spitfire MkIX or the Mk1A.

Spitfire Flaps Lever
Independent flaps in and flaps out signals
Reassuring friction
Sealed bearings for long life
Mounts in exactly the right position
Instrument Panel Mounting System
Provides accurate placement of instrument panel mounted controls
Easily and securely clamps to most desks and tables
Designed to support a wide range of controls, such as radio equipment, magnetos and more
Raised crossbar allows access to the keyboard
Shown here with flaps lever for illustration only
Universal Hub Upgrade
Provide inputs for 4 more controls
Required for flaps lever, but with inputs for landing gear, cowl/radiator flaps and a second engine (e.g. Mosquito FB)
MISC inputs will support aircraft with different configurations of control e.g. quadrants without a bomb release button

Spitfire Chassis Lever

This chassis or landing gear leader is a joy to use. Of course you could press 'G' on the keyboard, but how much better to release the lever from it's lock state and push against the hydraulic resistance built into this replica flight control to raise or lower the landing gear.

Chassis Lever / Landing Gear
Scale replica of the landing gear
Mounts exactly where it should be on your right
Hydraulic damping gives a great tactile experience
Operates in either toggle mode or separate up/down signals to your sim
Very sturdy design using strong sealed bearings and spring resistance
Optional lettering in either white silicon or adhesive decals
Replica indicator shows not only gear position but the status of the hydraulics

RAF Reflector Gun Sight Mk.II

This highly unique flight control allows you to zone in precisely on your target and the mounting system puts it exactly where it should be in a real Spitfire.

Gun sight
Scale replica of the RAF Reflector Gun Sight MkII
Mounts exactly where it should be
Smooth and precise with sealed bearing and hall sensors
Optional lettering with white silicon
Instrument Panel Mounting
Mounts exactly where it should be
Adjustable for height
Quick release from any desk or table