Forerunner to the infamous P51 Mustang, the P40-B is the first american warbird supported by AuthentiKit.
We are proud to be working with Big Radials for our second AuthentiKit project, the P40-B Tomahawk. This aircraft is a forerunner to the famous P-51 Mustang - in fact it was the British request to the Americans for P-40s that prompted the development of the P-51. Big Radials provided CAD materials and technical advice to simplify the design work for this feisty looking American warbird.
We are creating a set of flight controls including a replica throttle quadrant, elevator/rudder trim wheel set and flight stick for the P40-B. These mount using the same rig extension as developed for the Spitfire MkIX and connect into the same Universal Hub as the Spitfire MkIX.
The P-40B quadrant is a highly engineered unit with hydraulic damping and hall sensors and is matched with a replica elevator and rudder trim wheels control. Available as two separate free downloads from our Download Page.
AuthentiKit flight controls come with a simple step by step assembly process and YouTube assembly videos you can follow at your kitchen table.
The first item you will require is the AuthentiKit Universal Hub. This is the heart of your AuthentiKit system. All your flight controls plug into this, whatever aircraft you are flying.
Download everything you need for this product from our download page.
This is the assembly video for the throttle quadrant.
Download everything you need for this product from our download page.
This is the assembly video for the elevator and trim wheel set including tips on how to achieve that lovely white lettering.
Download everything you need for this product from our download page.
The P-40B flight stick is work in progress