We mark two very big milestones for AuthentiKit today. Firstly, after almost four years supporting the warbird flight sim community, we have something for fans of GA aircraft in the form of a PA-24 Piper Comanche Throttle/Prop/Mixture (TPM) control. Developed with the kind assistance of A2A Simulations this is a faithful replica of the PA-24 TPM developed using CAD shared by the A2A design team.
The second very big milestone is that, in our mission to make AuthentiKit controls as widely accessible as possible to flight sim fans, we have arranged for our friends at SimKitSupplies to offer an All-Inclusive kit of hardware + 3D printed parts.

Shared Universal Hub
The PA-24 may be a very different beast to a Spitfire or Mustang but to AuthentiKit this new control behaves just like any other H2 throttle input to the AuthentiKit Universal Hub, which means that if you already have the hub you won't need another. Since the circuit board in the hub is the single most valuable component it just makes sense to re-use it.

Of course it would be a waste if only one of these inputs was used for the PA-24 but in true AuthentiKit style we intend to fill out a core set of at least the following controls which will use the other inputs.
- Elevator trim
- Rudder trim
- Flaps lever (genuine long handle ratchet lever)
- Landing gear (genuine 3 position)
- Magneto start key and start button
- Carb heat
Also in true AuthentiKit style, these will not just be clamped to your desk in the easiest way possible but they will come with a mounting system which will position them (almost) exactly where they would be in the real aircraft.

All Inclusive Controls
Introducing a GA aircraft to the AuthentiKit portfolio is already big news but no less important is the decision to allow our friends at SimKitSupplies to offer an All Inclusive Kit.
Of course we already have the Community Approved Printing (CAP) scheme whereby experienced AuthentiKit community members will print parts at mate's rates for those without a printer. Please be reassured that this will continue to be a very important part of the community especially because we have CAPs in the USA, UK, Germany, Australia and New Zealand and it's obviously more practical to have someone print parts for you in your local region.
So, for those who are wondering, our aim is absolutely not to change tack to becoming a product company or to give SKS the rights to commercialise all AuthentiKit products. It isn't practical and it isn't in the best interest of the community. The aim instead is to take down a major barrier to those wanting to try AuthentiKit, namely unfamiliarity with 3D printing and 3D printed products. Hopefully this all in one kit which includes a quality guarantee by the supplier SimKitSupplies will give folks the confidence to try AuthentiKit for the first time and go on to become active members of our community.
Here's a link to the All Inclusive Kit from SimKitSupplies