ATK1C430 M4 Countersunk Screw x 30mm

M4 Countersunk flat head phillips head machine screw 30mm long

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

Use either zinc plated or stainless steel. Get philips head if you can as the PH2 but fits them very nicely, otherwise pozidrive will do.

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Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

You will always buy these in a pack rather than individually. Buying 10 or 20 is often virtually an identical price to buying 5. Unfortunately we don't use these much in AuthentiKit designs and you probably won't use more than 3 or 4 so a 5 pack is sufficient making the unit price around £0.40



Pozidrive is an option if you can't get phillips head.