ATK605: Cork disc 30mm with hole

Nitrile bonded self adhesive cork disc 30mm diameter x 1.5mm thick with an 8mm central hole

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

This disc provides the friction when rotating a trim wheel or axis lever. This item is identical to ATK604 but has an 8mm diameter hole in the centre thorugh which the rotary encoder fits.

Supplier Links

I found a supplier on eBay in the UK. There should be other similar suppliers around the world otherwise purchase some 1.5mm nitrile bonded cork with self adhesive backing and cut out a 30mm disc.

You'll need to punch your own 8mm hole or cut it out with tiny scissors.

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

The above supplier sells these at £3.52 for a set of 4, so just under £1 each inc. postage.



Try to avoid normal cork but if its your only option you could try it. A thickness of 2mm is often too much for certain uses so be sure to find 1.5mm thickness.