ATK614: Webbing 9mm SPECIAL ITEM

Nylon webbing/Grosgrain Ribbon – 9mm wide

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

Used in the Spitfire G2 flight stick as a belt. Please note that this item is only used in the G2 Spitfire stick. It is not a standard item and should not be used in other AuthentiKit controls. Discuss with Phil if you really want to use it.

  • Width – 9mm is critical or a fraction more if non metric. 3/8″ is OK
  • Nylon or polyester for strength
  • Non stretchy
  • Smooth finish without frilly bits. We don’t want abrasion causing pilling
  • And the most important thing which is thickness. Unfortunately it’s very rare to be given a reliable measure of thickness in advance of purchasing. We’re looking for 0.3 to 0.4mm
  • Any colour!

Supplier Links

The Shindo brand produces very good quality 9mm polyester ribbon that I’ve used successfully, however many other options will be suitable. Since doing all the R&D on this the Shindo supplier I used has discontinued the item I tested with. This one looks promising though.

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

You only need 1 metre of this which is only £1.40 however postage is £3.50 so you’re talking basically £5.



See description. I’ll add more options as people do their local sourcing/research.

ATK613: Ball Spring Plunger D8

A ball spring plunger D8 POM for detents

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: GN614-8-KD

This device is used to provide detents in throttle quadrants, flap levers etc. The spec for this ball plunger is an 8mm diameter barrel. You can get these in steel and brass but the technopolymer (the ‘KD’ suffix) version is recommended to avoid excessive wear on the printed parts. For full dimensions see the link below to Berger tools and select d1=8 and KD as the material.

Supplier Links

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

The unit price of this part is only £1.03 + p&p from Berger tools. P&P is reasonable but you need a minimum order. I bought 6 of them for a total of £11 making a unit price of £1.80.



You can use the brass ones with a steel ball but I wouldn’t recommend it. Amazon has them and they would fit.

ATK612: Zip Tie

2.5mm x 100mm zip tie

  • Manufacturer: Any
  • Product ID: Any

This is used in the Spitfire spade stick to group the wires emerging from the angle bracket and stop them sliding through any further into the body. 2mm or 2.5mm width is fine. They’re likely to be used again.

Supplier Links

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

These things are super cheap and effectively free if you have some already. If not you can’t buy them individually. We’re only using one so far but are likely to use more. So let’s say 20p.



2mm or 2.5mm is fine. In fact 3mm wide will do. Any length as you cut them down.

ATK611: Rotary Damper 400

Rotary bi-directional hydraulic damper

  • Manufacturer: Wixroyd
  • Product ID: Q3044

This device contains liquid silicon which resists movement and so creates a smooth mechanical resistance to the rotation of levers. There are many manufacturers of these dampers and hopefully you will find an equivalent in your region. Check the dimensions on the Wixroyd page to ensure it is an exact match. There are weaker versions of this damper which have damping forces of the order of but this offers much more substantial resistance.

Supplier Links

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

The unit price of this part from Wixroyd is only £2.99 + p&p + tax however they require a minimum spend of £10 and they impose a small order surcharge and have a hefty postage on top. The best option at present is to order the 6 pack from SimKitSupplies above. Including postage it works out around £4 to £10 each depending on how many controls you plan to build.



Although this damper can usually be ommitted from a control without loss of functionality, it makes a huge difference to the feel of the control. I am trying to find alternatives to the Wixroyd damper as it is so expensive. There is a possibility that the ACE FRT-C2-301-G1 from ACE Controls can be adapted although it isn’t exactly the same. It appears that only the mounting is different.

ATK610: White silicone sealant

White “small job” silicone sealant

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

The “small job” tubes are much easier to use than the professional’s tubes that need a gun to drive them.

Supplier Links

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

You should find these as cheap as £2 each on eBay



Full size tubes are fine as well if a bit unwieldy. Just check that it’s white not clear.

ATK609: Black racket grip SPECIAL ITEM

Black tennis racket grip with tape

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

This wrap is used on the Spitfire flight stick to give a more comfortable grip that feels a little more authentic. Please note that this item is only used in the G2 Spitfire stick. It is not a standard item and should not be used in other AuthentiKit controls. Discuss with Phil if you really want to use it.

Supplier Links

Use a grip that comes with a plain black adhesive strip and not one that has a sports company brand name in white lettering on it.

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

You should be able to get these for £3 or even slightly less inc. p&p



Cycle handlebar grip could work too.

ATK608: Felt strip 50mm

Black felt strip 50mm wide x 1mm thick

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

AuthentiKit designs use this felt strip in throttle quadrants and other places where a lever needs to slide against a plate. The felt adds some friction and keeps the action smooth.

Supplier Links

This Amazon link lists the felt as 0.04″ x 1.96″ which is basically 1mm x 50mm

IMPORTANT: It is important that the felt is just 1mm thick and no thicker. Expect it be to around 1.1mm when measured with calipers including the non-stick backing paper. I have heard that the above product from Amazon can vary and someone found that their felt was 1.3mm which was too much when used in the P40B and caused the levers to stick. In order to have a definitive way of measuring thickness I have made a set of clamps which you can fit over calipers creating a surface area of 20mm x 30mm which can be used to lightly press against the felt. Download the clamp design from this link. This is how it should look when you use them.

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

You only need small lengths and you should be able to by on eBay by the metre though suppliers come and go. I’ve seen it for around £5/metre inc. postage



Wider is fine as you cut shapes out of it. You may be happy with grey rather than black though black usually looks best. 1mm thickness is essential.

ATK607: Black silicone rubber tube 4mm

SP40 Black silicone rubber tube, internal diameter 4mm, wall thickness 1mm

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: SP40

This tube is great for running up to 3 wires through to provide a more period looking pneumatic/electrical connection instead of revealing multi-coloured wires.

Supplier Links

Some tubes have a matt finish. The shiny finish looks best.

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

You should be able to get this by the metre. You only need 1 metre.



It needs to have an external diamater of 6mm and you’ll have problems if the wall diameter is not 1mm – the tube will either kink too much or not have sufficient space inside to run the wires.

ATK606: Cork disc 18mm

Nitrile bonded self adhesive cork disc 18mm diameter x 1.5mm thick

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

This disc provides most of the friction when rotating a small lever such as a flaps lever. Nitrile bonded is preferred as normal cork is prone to squeaking.

Supplier Links

I found a supplier on eBay in the UK. There should be other similar suppliers around the world otherwise purchase some 1.5mm nitrile bonded cork with self adhesive backing and cut out an 18mm disc.

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

The above supplier sells these at £2.91 for a set of 4, so just under 75p each inc. postage.



Try to avoid normal cork but if its your only option you could try it. A thickness of 2mm is often too much for certain uses so be sure to find 1.5mm thickness.

ATK605: Cork disc 30mm with hole

Nitrile bonded self adhesive cork disc 30mm diameter x 1.5mm thick with an 8mm central hole

  • Manufacturer: Various
  • Product ID: Various

This disc provides the friction when rotating a trim wheel or axis lever. This item is identical to ATK604 but has an 8mm diameter hole in the centre thorugh which the rotary encoder fits.

Supplier Links

I found a supplier on eBay in the UK. There should be other similar suppliers around the world otherwise purchase some 1.5mm nitrile bonded cork with self adhesive backing and cut out a 30mm disc.

You’ll need to punch your own 8mm hole or cut it out with tiny scissors.

Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P

The above supplier sells these at £3.52 for a set of 4, so just under £1 each inc. postage.



Try to avoid normal cork but if its your only option you could try it. A thickness of 2mm is often too much for certain uses so be sure to find 1.5mm thickness.