Nylon webbing/Grosgrain Ribbon – 9mm wide
- Manufacturer: Various
- Product ID: Various
Used in the Spitfire G2 flight stick as a belt. Please note that this item is only used in the G2 Spitfire stick. It is not a standard item and should not be used in other AuthentiKit controls. Discuss with Phil if you really want to use it.
- Width – 9mm is critical or a fraction more if non metric. 3/8″ is OK
- Nylon or polyester for strength
- Non stretchy
- Smooth finish without frilly bits. We don’t want abrasion causing pilling
- And the most important thing which is thickness. Unfortunately it’s very rare to be given a reliable measure of thickness in advance of purchasing. We’re looking for 0.3 to 0.4mm
- Any colour!
Supplier Links
The Shindo brand produces very good quality 9mm polyester ribbon that I’ve used successfully, however many other options will be suitable. Since doing all the R&D on this the Shindo supplier I used has discontinued the item I tested with. This one looks promising though.
Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P
You only need 1 metre of this which is only £1.40 however postage is £3.50 so you’re talking basically £5.
See description. I’ll add more options as people do their local sourcing/research.