Extension Spring Length 63.5, Diameter 12.7, Wire diam 1.83, Max Len 93.14, Initial Tension 16.00N, Tension 3.78N/mm
- Manufacturer: Various
- Product ID: AP3520 (Flexospring version)
A 63.5mm long 12.7mm diameter extension spring used in the G2 Spitfire flight stick for the pitch spring. Please note that this item is only used in the G2 Spitfire stick. It is not a standard item and should not be used in other AuthentiKit controls. Discuss with Phil if you really want to use it.
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Indicative Pricing With Allowance for P&P
Springs are probably the most difficult and expensive things to source. This is a stock spring available from many different manufacturers (see below on what aspects are critical) and although they are not expensive you’ll probably get hit hard for P&P and minimum order quantities. However, if you buy this spring x2 together with the roll spring from Flexospring you’ll meet the minimum order threshold and just have £6+vat p&p. Allocating that pro-rata makes a price per spring of.
Although these are commodity items you may struggle to find an exact duplicate unless you buy from flexospring. If you want to vary any of these dimensions these are the consequences.
- Length 63.5mm – Slighty longer/shorter is OK +/- 5mm should be safe. 63.5mm is a standard though so select this (or imperial equivalent) first and then look at the other factors
- Diameter 12.7mm – 12mm is OK but any more than 12.9mm is likely to be a problem.
- Wire diameter 1.83mm – 1.7mm to 1.9 should work
- Max length 93.14mm – Longer is fine, shorter is less fine as you’ll overstretch it
- Tension 3.78Newtons per mm – Any less and the pitch action may feel weak.
Some beta testers in the US used this spring and have been happy with it: